because the file format or file extension is not valid. Scroll to the very bottom, and select Choose defaults by file.
If you are unable to see the preferred PDF viewer, you can find it by clicking on the 'More apps' link. A window will appear to prompt you into choosing the preferred default PDF viewer. Select Apps from the left panel, and then Default apps from the right. Highlight its row and click the 'Change program' button. Click the program that you want to use as the default for the file type you selected, or click the arrow next to Other Programs to show additional programs. Click the file type or protocol that you want the program to act as the default for.

Right-click the Start button (or use the WIN+X keyboard shortcut) and select Settings. Click Associate a file type or protocol with a program.
For example, to set Edge browser (not the new Chromium version) as the default PDF viewer, SetUserFTA. How to Change File Associations in Windows 11. And SetUserFTA.exe extension progid will set the default app to the given extension. SetUserFTA.exe get will show all protected file types. exe file in Windows 7,8,8.1 How to format and Install Windows Explained in Sinhala How To Restore ANY Default File Type/Extension Or Program To Its Original State Same icons How to fix All Shortcut were Opened with Notepad, Word, Google Chorme or Another Program Error FIX Your Computer Is Low On Memory Windows 7/8/10 How To Make Local Area Connection in Windows 7 ( LAN ) Hindi / Urdu Create A Custom Backup Script With Windows Robocopy by Britec Restore the Windows Photo Viewer on Windows 10 Windows 7: Reset Administrator Password of Windows Without Any Software How to Change File Association to Unknown Program in Windows 10? How to solve excel cannot open the file. It’s fairly easy to use and straightforward. It will display the current application used for this file, use the. A window appears with the file’s information, see the section called Open with. Right click on the file to see a menu, and select Get Info. To set the default application via registry also failed. My attempt to solve this with folder options failed. We have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and Adobe Acrobat DC installed on a Windows Server 2012 R2 terminal server.

pdf files depending on the users group with a GPO. dll File Format and Icons Without Programs How to Set the Default Programs in Windows 7 How to Restore Default Icons. Follow these steps to change your default preferences: Find a file with an extension you want to change the defaults to. I try to set the default application for. But the cool thing is you can change them. #windows7 How to restore your default file format and icons Set Default Programs in Windows 7 How to Set Microsoft Word as the Default Application In Windows 10 Tutorial How to fix the missing "Open with." button from the Right-Click Context Menu Best Chillstep Dubstep Mix ever Set Default Program in Windows 7 How to Restore Default. If you're new to Windows 10, you'll find some files open in apps that you're not familiar with yet.